Sunday, December 07, 2008


What is SOFAGE? Sisters Out for a Great Escape... that is what we did Thanksgiving weekend. I LOVE getting together with my sisters. I don't get to see them very often. We are each busy with work and family, etc that we just don't get to talk or see each other, so years ago I started getting us together for a weekend to have "catch up time" and do girlie things. Alisa and her daughter,Tiffani , came from Vernal and Jenny and I and my aunt,Marie, and my Mom all went to Logan this year. We attended the temple, laughed, talked, went to the Forgotten Carol, shopped, laughed, ate, saw a movie, laughed and shopped and did I mention shopped? Tiffani is engaged and planning a September wedding. We are so happy for her. We had a great time! We wish more of our sisters had participated, but those who did had the best time!! Maybe next year more will make the time to be of our Escape.

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